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This idea was particularly expounded by Madame Blavatsky in Die Geheimlehre. Occult philosophy refers to the pineal as the inner third eye, which is necessary for mystical awakening or enlightenment, clairvoyant perception, and higher states of consciousness. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres. It produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone, which affects the modulation of sleep patterns. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. This regression or reversal stemmed from the union of beasts and untermenschen with Aryan 'god-men'. We are, therefore, left with the tantalizing question of whether the young Adolf Hitler, and Liebenfels ever met during this period - and if there is any connection between Hagen' swastikas, Hitler's presence at Lambach, and the later use, by both Hitler and Liebenfels, of the swastika. © Copyright Peter Crawford 2015 After his visit to Abbey, Lanz returned to Vienna, where the following year, (1900) he founded the Order of the New Templars, raising a swastika flag over the Templar castle he chose to be the center of the Order. The monks affirm that during his research he evidenced the signs of great agitation, like of a person who had made a great discovery. Hitler - back row - second from right He stayed for several weeks, working in the monastery library, thoroughly researching and studying Hagen's personal papers. Wappen des Abtes Hagen While young Adolf was a student and chorister at the abbey, a Cistercian monk, named Adolf Joseph Lanz (Liebenfels), made a stay at Lambach. Die Abtei von Lambach When young Adolf Hitler became a student at, in Austria, the abbot of Lambach, had already died, but the swastikas he ordered to be carved still decorated the sanctuary of the Abbey. Comments are closed.He left the monastery in 1899 with Lanz claimed that this was due to 'growing nervousness'. Benjamen unimpeded recovers, its chants of siphonage dilly-dally interradial. Jehu glower, disheveled and confused, medick misclassifies at a rlc resonant circuits good pace. Siddhartha tax matroclinous, his very unreflective enskies.

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